Why join MMB?
Stop Procrastinating! Yes, this is your one chance to take charge of your future with MentorMyBoard (MMB). Grow, learn, network, be leaders, live, laugh, and elevate your true potential with our undivided attention and holistic programs tailored to your capabilities.
Step into the Board of Exclusive Benefits!
Unleash Your True Potential
MMB’s undying commitment and impartial perspective will ensure you receive the focused attention you deserve. Join us to unlock your true potential and lead with confidence.
All our Exclusive Content is yours!
Once you set foot in MMB, you`ll get the chance to dive into an ocean of content and resources that will guide your growth to the shore and help you gain boardroom mastery.
Exclusive Events and Workshops
Be the first to grab your spot at our exclusive events and workshops to enhance your skills and knowledge.
Continuous Learning
Our exclusive resources and content will help participants stay updated with industry trends.
Community Support
Engage with other like-minded participants, share your thoughts, learn, evolve, and succeed.
MMB`s exclusive participants will benefit from unbiased guidance and handholding provided by our expert team on all aspects necessary for their growth and success
Guidance and Mentorship
We will handhold you at every step, and our seasoned professionals will light your path with support and knowledge.
Network with Industry Stalwarts
MMB gives you the chance to network, share, and build connections with top industry professionals.
Career Advancement Opportunities:
Explore new career opportunities and pathways through our extensive network and resources.
Joining the MMB
MMB membership is open to everyone - from aspiring directors to those with senior-level responsibilities. There are different packages depending on your experience and the services you need.
MMB- Elite Member
Subscription for circle of directors with platinum membership plan for our exclusive director
₹ 99999 per year
Governance and Policy Unit & Policy Voice Survey: Shape the future and amplify your voice in key governance discussions.
In-Person Business Events: Make global connections and build valuable relationships.
Network, share insights, and foster growth opportunities.
Professional Development Courses: Advance your career and achieve exceptional personal growth.
Access continuous professional development resources.
Aspiring Member
Subscription for circle of directors with expert membership plan for our expert directors
₹ 14999 per year
MMB Rising Member
For Students, Young Professionals
₹ 2500 per year
Opt in Free 15 Day
Subscription plan for circle of directors with free usage for 15 days
₹ 0 per year

"Our information and advisory service is truly exceptional. Participants can fully leverage their membership by accessing top-tier researchers and receive valuable insights and advice precisely when they need it—whether it's for crucial meetings, presentations, or any key moment – we are here for you!"
- Divya Momaya
Better directors for a better world
Members stories

It has been a delight, apart from the rich learning, to have been a student of MMB ( MentorMyBoard). Each of the faculty members was so inspiring. Apart from their vast knowledge, the way they taught us with empathy is truly commendable. Gratitude for that As for the need for such skills and orientation, Only an organized professional services firm could address this gap at such speed. Kudos to your talented and very supportive team as well

"MentorMyBoard (MMB) is a unique platform to explore opportunities to be a Board member in the corporate world of India. This organization is different in the sense that it is continuously providing opportunities for honing the skills in various domains of management required for analytical and conceptual thinking to ensure Corporate Governance at the top level. We, as members of MMB have been benefitting a lot by attending various evening talks, seminars, Boardroom Mastery programs......to name a few, in both online and offline modes from the experts of Corporate India."
Here to help
Should you require any information regarding membership, feel free to reach out to our membership department. If you prefer to have a conversation with one of our representatives, kindly forward your request to membership@mentormyboard.com, and we promise to respond within 24 business hours.